utworzone przez Marcin | mar 5, 2019 | VAT Radar
VAT Refunds in Saudi Arabia may be applied on a quarterly basis in a calendar year, with a final single annual claim by June 30th of the following year. The minimum claim amount for Saudi Arabian refunds is Riyals 1,000. Now, VAT return filing involves a set of...
utworzone przez Marcin | lut 28, 2019 | VAT Radar
Kuwait and Qatar are the only two remaining GCC member countries which have delayed the implementation of the VAT system. The budget committee’s decision is not to implement the VAT before the year 2021, since they don’t see the need to expedite VAT for now. Even...
utworzone przez Marcin | lut 26, 2019 | VAT Radar
Oman government is looking to implement a standard 5% VAT regime starting from September 1st, 2019. After the 6 GCC countries (Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait) signed the VAT framework agreement in 2017, Saudi Arabia and UAE have been the only...
utworzone przez Marcin | lut 21, 2019 | VAT Radar
Bahrain parliament has approved the introduction of VAT at the expected standard rate of 5%, effective from January 1st, 2019. Bahrain’s VAT laws slightly differ in some key areas from the corresponding legislation introduced in UAE and Saudi Arabia, where it...
utworzone przez Marcin | lut 19, 2019 | VAT Radar
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), (an alliance of six Middle Eastern countries- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman), has implemented VAT and the 6 countries have signed the agreement, paving the way for introduction of VAT throughout the GCC in 2018....
utworzone przez Marcin | lut 14, 2019 | VAT Radar
Slovakia has reduced the VAT rate for hotels and similar accommodation services from the previous rate of 20% to the current 10% rate. This measure has come into effect from January 1st, 2019, approved by the Slovak parliament. The scope of this 10% rate will be...
utworzone przez Marcin | lut 12, 2019 | VAT Radar
The Government of Netherlands has proposed an increase in the current reduced VAT rate from 6% to 9% on Budget Day, 18 September 2018 for their 2019 tax plan. These rates are effective from January 1st, 2019, based on the approval by the House of Representative and...
utworzone przez Marcin | lut 7, 2019 | VAT Radar
On July 13, 2017, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) passed a judgment on the case of the London Borough of Ealing Vs Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC ). The case was regarding the right to exempt VAT on admission fees to sports facilities as per the...
utworzone przez Marcin | lut 5, 2019 | VAT Radar
On 26 October 2017, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) passed a judgment concerning the VAT exemption on the entry fees of the Duplicate Bridge tournaments organised by the English Bridge Union Limited (EBU) Case Summary Based in England a non-profit body, the EBU...
utworzone przez Marcin | sty 31, 2019 | VAT Radar
On 18 January 2018, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) passed a judgement concerning the Ajax Amsterdam Football Club to apply the reduced VAT rate to an ancillary element of a single composite supply. Case Summary The tour of Stadion Amsterdam’s “World of Ajax”...